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The Jesus Connection: Downloads from Heaven

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The Jesus Connection:  Downloads from Heaven is everything you need to attract, grow, and develop your church members and community now and for years to come.

Get your early bird discount of $347 through April 1st!

When the digital world creates a disconnect from Jesus, your Vacation Bible School program gives you a new and exciting set of tools to strengthen your church’s connection with Christ. 

The Jesus Connection delivers 10 important, timely, and Biblically focused lessons to be delivered as a 5 or 10 day program. 

Connect your church with Jesus through the following powerful topics, themes, and Bible verses:

      Lesson 1 -  A Life of Purpose:  God created us for a purpose, which is highlighted through the story of Adam in Genesis. 1:27

      Lesson 2 -  Integrity Brings Blessings:  God helps us to be people of integrity as demonstrated through Daniel. Daniel 1:8

      Lesson 3 - Prayer Makes a Difference:  God hears and answers our prayers as demonstrated through Asa in 2 Chronicles 14:11b.

      Lesson 4 - Courage Stands Up:  God causes us to be people of courage as shared in Esther 4:16.

      Lesson 5 - Take Action:  God moves us to action in helping others as seen through Ebed-Melek in Jeremiah 38:13a.

      Lesson 6 - Witness for Jesus:  God gives us a testimony to share with others as demonstrated in John 1:29b.

      Lesson 7 - Forgiven Completely:  God forgives and cleanses us from all of our sins as demonstrated by Peter in Luke 22:61.

      Lesson 8 - Service Counts:  God provides service to people through us as demonstrated by Simon of Cyrene in Luke 23:26.

      Lesson 9 - Loyalty Matters:  God gives us the strength to be loyal as demonstrated through Mary Magdalene in John 20:15b.

      Lesson 10 - Knowledge Has Power:  God will lead us to knowledge and truth as experienced by the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:35.

The Jesus Connection includes a wealth of incredible resources and materials to deliver a memorable program including:

The Jesus Connection Conference Sample Bag

      Youth & Children Sampler (1 Children, 1 Junior, 1 Teen Student Lesson, 1 Children, 1 Junior, 1 Teen Teacher Lesson)

      Director's Planbook

      You Are Invited Poster

      Theme Poster

The Jesus Connection Vacation Bible School Bundle

      Director's Planbook

      12 children student books

      12 junior student books

      12 teen books

      2 children teacher books

      2 junior teacher books

      2 teen teacher books

      2 Life Application poster packs (1 children/1 junior/teen)

      Bible Verse Posters (10 lessons)

The Jesus Connection Individual Print Items

      Director's Planbook

      Children Student Book (10 Lessons)

      Children Teacher Book (10 Lessons)

      Junior Student Book (10 Lessons)

      Junior Teacher Book (10 Lessons)

      Teen Student Book (10 Lessons)

      Teen Teacher Book (10 Lessons)

      You Are Invited Poster

      Theme Poster

      Life Application Posters Children (2 posters)

      Life Application Posters Junior/Teen (2 posters)

      Bible Verse Posters (10 Lessons) 

The Jesus Connection Digital downloads: 



      Leader's Songbook

      Craft Booklet

      Award Certificate

      Appreciation Certificate


      Opening & Closing Assembly Worship Guides

      Publicity Postcards

      Publicity Logo

      Digital Access Teacher Guides (10 lessons)

You’ll be amazed by the depth, diversity, and fun you’ll experience in your Jesus Connection Program.